Wednesday, June 06, 2007

WOW - With a whole lot of help from our friends!

The only word is WOW!

Take one old, leaky castle,
a pile of wood, shingles, tools, tar and paint -
Add a bunch of fantastic friends
and some good barn-raising energy

- And it equals the most incredible feat of reconstruction ever seen!

We are so blessed that Booth Party has become a tradition for so many of our friends. The weekend before the Colorado Renaissance Fair opens, they converge on the booth, bringing tools, food, energy and enthusiasm. This year, there was a lot of work to be done, and every body out-did themselves.

My dad and Shawn got started shingling the roof on Friday

Danette and her girls came up Saturday and Sunday and painted all the details that gorgeous bright blue. I even got to splash some paint around.

Sandy and Julia turned the whole dark, dingy showroom into a bright shiny Renaissance croft!

Robin and Summer ripped down walls and counters and built them up all shiny and new - in places that work better for our type of business.

The roof got finished with a whole lot of help from Art (who also replaced the porch boards and Nate - who thought he was just coming up to spend the day having fun with his girlfriend, Susan!)

And to top it all off - Kira grew the courage over the last year to make it to the top of the tower. Go girl!

I'll add more pics in a few days, now I have to go finish painting the sign and the porch -
Thank you so much everyone!

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