Sunday, January 03, 2010


See, it does snow in Arkansas.
The little weiner dog with Quigley lives somewhere in the neighborhood. He comes over every morning about 7 am to see if our dogs can come out to play.
We also have at least 3 orange cats who like to come help with chores morning and night. Our cats are not allowed outside to play, but the other kitties seem to bring plenty of their own friends with them.
Happy 2010 from Havencroft!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette
I am glad that you picked AR. We live in Berryville. We moved here in '97 from Tucson,AZ. I am just starting to get back into weaving. I have two looms that have been from ME to AZ to AR. Have you found any other weavers over your way? I am going to join the NWAHandweaversGuild next month. Would love to hear from you. You can email me at