Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Jeannie's new lamb

Cowslip's very large ewe lamb right after birth.

Now she's a whole day old and ready to rule the world!
The ewes bred to Dapper Dan have started lambing.

Yesterday, Jeannie's sweet lilac ewe, Cowslip had a huge ewe lamb. This new girl is bigger than Frannie's twins.

Now that she's a day old, she's testing her limits to see how far away from mommy she can go. Tomorrow she might even join the evening Lam-pede. They grow up so fast.

She's really beautiful.

Jeannie - what are you going to name her?

1 comment:

Jenonthefarm said...

Jeannie named her "Helen" which is short and politically correct for Hell-on-wheels, a very appropriate name!