Sunday, January 01, 2012

Have a creative, productive 2012

What an amazing way to start the new year!

I took a rich purple wool and silk wrap off the rigid heddle last night and the most delightful purple wool and silver lace shawl off the triloom this morning. Pics to follow once they are done soaking and drying.

Now I have two empty looms, a new box of sale wool yarn from Paradise Fibers that arrived yesterday and a whole day off to design, warp and begin weaving new projects.

I've been playing with my new prototype handwoven handbag and I like it a lot. I do see some design elements that need improving, but I am excited about my new handbag line for 2012.

My New Year's palette -
Handspun Glitch and Fantasia mohair yarns, single ply merino
warp yarn, Circus wool yarn and my new prototype handwoven
wool handbag,made with handspun wool from our jacob sheep,
 lined with silk, and supported by handcarved black walnut
handles that Shawn made from a local ice -storm downed
black walnut tree.
I've got several new skeins of mohair that I spun from Gizmo's, Eve's and Glitch's fleeces to work into these projects and more mohair, wool and alpaca fleeces to spin.

I have cooking classes to prep for - this Saturday's comfort food class made with folks coming from across the country for the class. Next Saturday's Locker Hooking class has 12 students and a wait list, so we'll likely be repeating that one soon. And, I just got word that my "Yoga of Interpretation" and "Sales and Interpretation go hand-in-hand" workshops were both accepted for the NAI Region 6 conference in San Antonio in February.

So, I'm off to ball up skeins of yarn, warp looms and plan classes. What a fantastic way to start the new year!

I wish you lots of energizing, creative fun this year. Happy 2012.

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