Thursday, January 19, 2012

Meet the Flock - Hyssop and Hildy

I've had several questions about Calliope's lambs that were born this past Sunday, 1-15-12. They are doing well, thank you.
"I don't want to stay in my crib anymore," says Hyssop

"I like it here in the fiber arts studio," says the lamb.
 "It smells sheepy."
 The little bottle baby finally developed a suck reflex about 4 a.m. this morning. She's been able to swallow what we put in her mouth, but until now, would not suck on a nipple. Life should get easier for everybody now.

Lena decided to name her Hyssop, in honor of the lamb's grand-dam Corriander. Corri was one of the foundations of our flock. Our dam lines all trace back to her, Marjoram, Pennroyal and Thyme. Now that Hyssop's figured out the eating thing, she wants to eat every hour or so. She likes to run around the house, too and is experimenting with the concept of gravity. With Lena's new puppy, Gibbs, only being 17-weeks-old, we are being careful about allowing him to have access to the lamb, so I am babysitting Hyssop in my office this afternoon while Lena runs errands.

"I think I can scratch my face without falling over."

"I don't know why the big sheep all run here
when the two-leggeds come out," says Hildy


My dear friend Julia lives in Colorado, but she still has a profound impact on our sheep flock. She has purchased several of Thyme's fleeces and she named Thy's daughter Basil. In 2008, Julia and her husband visited us here in Arkansas. They saw Dapper Dan as a young ram and she really liked him. She thought she might want him when he was weaned. So, we kept him when we sold off the other lambs in the fall. And we kept him the next year, even though he stayed small. And then, in 2010, we started having beautiful, suprise Dan babies. He has matured into an even-tempered ram who grows a wonderful fleece and puts beautiful babies on the ground each year. I think I'll keep him here in Arkansas, even if Julia does make it back to visit.

Half-yearlings Gobi and Guthrie discuss the small sheep,
while Hildy pretends she's more interested in the salt block.

Julia suggested the name Hildy, in honor of Julia's grandmother, for the lamb that Calliope kept.
We don't know the sire of the twins, as Calliope came to the farm bred. However, the only sheep that were on the farm in Fox were the ones originally from our flock, so we are comfortable that they are purebred Jacob.

These twin girls are doing well and growing strong. A good way to start lambing season for 2012!


CraftyJeweler said...

AAAhh! so cute! I am so excited for lambing to start, its my first year. How many ewes did you breed this year?

Jenonthefarm said...

We only bred 14 ewes this year and 6 goat does. They are spread out between now and Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully lots of babies highlighting the spring.