Sunday, February 06, 2011

Sheep work

Jeannie's Cowslip
Today was a busy day on the farm. We vaccinated all the sheep and goats with cd&t and sorted the ewes that were close into the lambing pen next to the house.
The weather is supposed to be icky this week, so we didn't shear them. I want to make sure they are settled before stressing them more, but it is best to shear them before they lamb, for many reasons. The ewes take better care of their lambs if they get cold, too. They can share body heat with their babies if they aren't all bundled up in a long fleece and it's easier for the babies to nurse if they don't have to dig through all the wool. Plus the wool develops a break due to the hormone changes and stress of lambing, so it's best to go ahead and shear it off at that point.
So, hopefully next Sunday, we'll be shearing Cowslip, Basil and Marjoram. Cowslip's fleece is spoken for. She belongs to my aunt Jeannie. Basil is Thyme and Beetleguese's daughter. She has a nice, long, open fleece. And Miz Marj is one of our first ewes. Her soft fleece is fine and relatively short. It is springy and spongy. Those of you who are familiar with my "our farm shawl" or my Marj hat know what her fleece looks like spun up and crocheted or woven.

Miz Marjoram stretching her back

 If you are interested in Marj's fleece it will be $12 per lb. I'd be happy to email pics. Just let me know if you think you want it and I'll reserve it for you.

Basil's fleece is $12/lb and just either comment here, or send me an email to reserve.

They are due right around the 20th, so hopefully the weather will lighten up for a bit and we can get these girls sheared and ready for lambing.

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