Thursday, January 06, 2011

Settling in at home

It's good to be home! I've been tired and catching up with everything at home and at work after traveling 3,000 miles in 9 days.
It was good to see family and friends, but it is so good to be home. Lena took care of everything great and even had the house nice and clean when we got home.
Nilly is doing better. She had a course of banamine (livestock aspirin) and vitamin B shots and now seems to be a bit slow and sore, but doing ok.

Tomorrow I'm taking the day off work to stay at home and prep for my Jan. 11 Comfort Foods class. I'll work on the recipes and put them here for anyone who wants them. Right now I'm thinking corn meal mush from both white and yellow corn; beans with ham hocks; corn bread and Ozark pudding. If you can think of anything I should add, let me know.

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